Saturday, November 22, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Last night was one of those perfect nights. It started with everyone in the kitchen playing games and instruments and making cookies. It progressed into a wild snow-ball fight with the first snow of the year, and ended with a movie in the audi max on the big screen, snuggled up in blankets. Rob making his superhero cookies
John Paul trying to teach Paul the flutist's pout
Caitlin, Liz and I made Rob some cookies, and cookie dough. We normally wouldn't be so eager to do so, but this once Rob deserved it. We mentioned we wanted chocolate. Spar closed in 15 minutes. Rob up and sprinted, in the freezing falling snow, all the way to Spar and returned with a giant Milka bar. That is an unprecedented act of chivalry unknown to mankind thus far. He has earned himself a place in a history book as far as we are concerned

Liz repairs Rob's pants. Rob plays in the snow. Rob returns pants with a big hole. Liz fixes Rob's pants again.

Rob's cookies....noticing a theme?

Last night was the first snow of the year. We got some 3 inches. A glorious and quite vicious snow-ball fight naturally ensued.
Getting in the holiday mood

The creek that some boys have jumped in every single day that they have been here, and you can bet they will again today.

This is my HOUSE! My window is the third from the right on the roof.

The Professor kids playing in the snow....might have to borrow some sleds from them later.

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