Monday, January 28, 2008

March for Life 2008 - Washington D.C. under the FUS banner! Mass at 7:30 at the Basilica. My first time in the basilica - I like. The new Cardinal-what's-his-name from Houston celebrated Mass. (In opening his homily, he said everyone could sleep through it seeing as how most of the thousand some odd people just got off sleepless buses. I thought he was joking, but as I looked down our pew half way through the homily I realized everyone took him quite seriously but me, which made me unable to take anything seriously for the rest of the Mass - trying to control my giggles as I noticed heads nodding!)
Rosalie, Elizabeth, Kyle and Regina, with faces frozen in a smile while trying to take a group picture of all 700 FUS students on the steps of the shrine.
Yvonne in the coat that she hates for its pinkness
The basilica
We were just talking about having never seen a real wardrobe like in Narnia, and here in D.C. we found one.

Kyle, Elizabeth, Regina, Rosalie and Yvonne
Elizabeth and some copper statues
Regina found a friend
Hmm, this looks like a cozy place to explore....wonder what's in here? Turns out to be the National Gallery of Art, and the only thing that tears us away an hour and a half later are repeated calls from the girls back at the rally to bring them sandwiches pronto. It was absolutely amazing, oh my gosh! Next year we are spending much more time there.

Students for life
Eating breakfast at a bagel shop

A picture of you taking a picure of me......or how to avoid a bad I've-been-up-for-36-hours- without-a-shower-on-a-bus.

Exploring the Mall with Kyle and Elizabeth.

And God set a rainbow in the sky to show His mercy

Monday, January 21, 2008

Is that ELIZABETH playing an ELECTRIC GUITAR? ............. ..........Elizabeth and I jammin........
..........Kyle, Chris, Regina - and who is that getting sat on?.........