We ambitious Franciscans got up at 5 am to make sure we were the first in line to see the Holy Father for the Wednesday audience. Completely unnessasarily. But Franciscans can have fun even when standing in a line for 6 hours at 7 degrees Celsius. Caitlin and I cuddling to stay warm.
It was still dark when we arrived.
A few hard core couples seeking to have their marriage blessed got there almost as early as we did.
Willie leading the crowd in some good old Steubie praise songs in St. Peter's as we await the Pope. The nuns up front we immensly enjoying it and were cheering us on.
Not zoomed in. This was my view of the pope as he approached in his pope-mobile.
JP being obnoxious, as I am trying to listen to the Holy Father. Actually most of the boys were getting obnoxious, so that I was on the verge of spontaneous combustion into laughter at any time. Fr. Brad was setting the example, 'translating" his own own version of the Pope's message for us, which had more to do with sausages than anything.
This picture was not zoomed in either. This was actually how close I was to the man. A second before this, he blessed us and looked right at us but I wasn't thinking of my camera right then. I can't say that I really made direct eye contact or anything, but I did see him, the direct successor of saint Peter, up close enough to see the wrinkles in his face.
Some of the FUS grad students who live in Rome joined us
So umm, why the popover thing? You must know I love Dr. Seuss...Horton is my hero, the grinch is great, and star-bellied sneetches rock my socks. Getting to the point. Once, Theodor Seuss Geisel was asked to give a speech at a commencement ceremony. With his ledgendary stage fright obvious to the crowd, he nervously read it off a scribbled piece of scratch paper: "It seems to be behooven upon me to bring forth Great words of Wisdom to this graduating class as it leaves these cloistered halls to enter the Outside World beyond. Fortunately for you of the graduating class, my wisdom is in very short supply, and I have managed to condense everything I know into an epic poem consisting of 14 lines. If I can find it under these robes, I will read it quickly and then sit down.The Epic Poem is entitled: My Uncle Terrwilliger on the Art of Eating Popovers. My Uncle ordered popovers from the restaurant's bill of fare. And, when they were served, he regarded them with a penetrating stare...Then he spoke great Words of Wisdom as he sat there on that chair:"To eat these things," said my uncle, "You must exercise great care.You may swallow down what's solid...But you must spit out the air!"***And...as you partake of the world's bill of fare, that's darned good advice to follow. Do a lot of spitting out the hot air. And be careful what you swallow."
I like it. Sage. Beautiful. True. And there you have it. The function of this blog is to be a communication tool for family and friends as I do my best to swallow down what's solid and spit out any air during this chapter of my life entitled "Franciscan University".
Why you should vote for me in the 2008 presidential elections
Hey, your other options don't look that good either.
Things I want to do someday
Leave a waitress a 100 dollar tip
Understand what is so great about Sean Bean
Have a pina colada in a pint glass
Shoot, as a member of a firing squad, the person to invented automatic toliets, along with his cousin who invented automated phone calls
Go hunting for bullfrogs with a bow-and-arrow (there is actually a special season for it my Oklahoma!)
Convert a dance floor into a swimming pool like Jimmy Stewart did in Its a Wonderful Life
Paint a horse green and ride it around just like in Life is Beautiful
Jump out of a window and be caught by Westley or some other good looking dude who carries me off horseback, repeating as you wish to my every request
Win a round of poker. Just one. That is all I ask.
be a world champ frisbee player
go noodling. Educate yourself at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okie_Noodling
go hang-gliding
Own a farm featuting an acre of blueberries, a pumpkin patch, a big wooden barn, and a field of lavendar
Do mission work in a third world country
have a dalmation dog again
find a unicorn
Learn to make faces like Regina
own a 1940's candy apple red Ford pickup truck
learn to paint - especially murals
Prank Kyle a really good one
play hide and seek in the VATICAN library
Be able to remember people's names as well as Dr. Storm
Have all my favorite poetry memorized
Read the complete works of G.K. Chesterton
Ride a Friesian
Plant an acre in blueberry bushes and live long enough to reap the harvest every year
be in a play
Take a 2-week roadtrip with no specific route or destination
Take tea with the Pope
Butcher a chicken
learn to play the fiddle, at least better (working on it). And the bodran (working on it too). And the concertina. And the uillean pipes whilst I'm at it.
let my legs dangle off the cliffs of Moher
go on a canoe trip
go skiing
go waterskiing
Songs I am most likely to sing while washing dishes or in the shower
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