Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Book Mountain

This snow-ball fight got a little out of hand

Pfarrkirche Gaming
How green is my valley
Laura and Brendan
Caitlin, Rob, Paul, Jon

Paul, Rob, and Jon having an 'epic' moment

That is my home down there. I can see my bedroom window.

Liz taking it all in

Check out the aquaduct

Caitlin having one of those moments....
I am really happy

Diana left snow-angels like Gretl leaving breadcrumbs

Laura, Liz and Brendan take a little break.

Whiskey to warm the heart. And because it is cool.

Diana signing the Book Mountian Book. Look for my signature on November 23rd, 2008, if you ever go there.
That is a cell phone tower. Now zoom in to the top. That is two boys near the top. I started climbing and got about 1/3 of the way up, and I had enough of the view that I wanted. It doesn't look so bad, but then you get up there and realize it is icy and the wind is blowing like the dickens because it is completely unprotected, and I realized the only joy I would get from this is the ability to say that I could do it, which is not exactly worth it to me.
At the top of every peak, there is Cross.
Somewhere up there are Jon and Rob.

sliding down is always more fun than climbing up

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