Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Classes Cancelled for Elizabeth's Birthday...oh and the snow too

The birthday girl herself, reading her 16 birthday cards
FINALLY a Von Steuben family picture (minus the new addition - uncle John) plus a family friend - Michael Naadan. Back Row: Steve, Kyle, Me and Regina, Nathan strangling Chris and Rosalie. Front Row: Yvonne, Michael, Andy (where is his hat?), Elizabeth, and Christine. Aren't we a beautiful family? We are even starting to look like each other.
It is one cake that looked better AFTER cutting it.
Steve and Michael

Ummm.... King Kyle.....with a hangover
FUS Turtle King
I got an owie. How do you spell boo-boo?
Ta da.
Sledding behind Louis/Lizzy. It was AWESOME. The best part: we weren't in class!
Three girl pileup
We thoroughly embarrassed poor Elizabeth by screaming happy birthday at her as she came out the back door, along with some 30 other students
It is kinda cold. My face hurts. I just ran over my arm. I have never had so much fun in my life. I can't feel my toes. Ice down my back. Just think - I would normally be struggling to stay awake in Concepts right now. My hair is crispy. This is the best day of my life. Don't you dare throw...
3.8 seconds of heart-skipping thrill.....
Hey, its not our fault they put a brick building right on the best sledding slope on campus.
Kyle on John teetering at the top
Oh that was awesome. Just give me a minute. I need to lie here and collect my bones and tissues.
An attempt at getting the entire family on one sled.

Somebody throw a snowball at that blue-eyed boy.
Are they going to yodel?
Fly down the hill. Crawl back up. Repeat.
Birthday party for Elizabeth....and everyone seems to be doing their own thing.
8 Snowmen
The infamous sign that brought joy, laughter and large bruises to campus one cold winter day.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A couple more March for Life pictures from the FUS website

A whole bunch of FUS students on the steps of the basilica. Locate a man in a bright red hat at the far left under the lamp post - Kyle. I am in my grey hat next to him.
The rainbow at the end of the march. And I am keeping my little patch of cement dry while waiting for the bus. And Gerard either has a backache or is bowing.
Father Terry our president and some cool people.
And some more cool people.