Sunday, August 10, 2008

An unlooked for package

"Nothing in life is free." So they say. And for the most part, that is true. But sometimes, people do give you something for nothing.

I got the mail on Wednesday, and there was a cardboard box addressed to me from a publishing company. I didn't order any books, I thought, almost irritated, thinking that I ought to just write return to sender across the top and put it back in the mailbox: there must be a mistake.
But I opened the box. Inside was this book. And a letter from the author:

Dear Jamie,
Thoreau once wrote, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." In my travels in over 50 countries over the past ten years, I has seen nothing to believe that Thoreau is wrong. Most people are not thriving, but merely surviving. I believe that God wants us to thrive. but often we are distracted by the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life.
Before you is an amazing opportunity to see life, the world, and yourlsef from a different perspective. Austria was a life changing experience for me. I hope The Rhythm of Life helps you make the most of your time.
May your semester in Europe be filled with new friendships, laughter and dreams come true.
Signed Mathew Kelly.

Whoa. I was shocked. That was like the best unexpected surprise I have had in a while. Wow. I immediately started reading the book. I don't usually read self-help type books. But I figured this one was sent to me by the author himself, so It is not going on the shelf until I read in from cover to cover. So I did. And I was highly impressed and very inspired. It was not your typical self-help book in more ways than one. It was sort of atypical, anti-culture, while at the same time very modern and real-life. It was both original and very cliché. Mostly, he just affirmed that which I already knew and believed. But still it was refreshing and challening. Sometimes you need encouragement to believe and become what you know and believe to be true. I dídn't think I really needed a pep-talk, particularly, right now. But boy I sure benefitted from it.
(Also, the fact that he mentioned his dealings with my beloved school like 5 times in the course of the book, each time accrediting it and his time with our students in Austria with transforming his life, really endeared me to him, I must admit.) I hope he continues to send his book to Austria-bound FUS students, because I for one am extremely grateful for it, and it will remain in my book collection. Now I have to write a thank-you to Mathew Kelly.

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