Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hannah, Susie, Jessika, Carmen (aka Congarongemong), Alison, Sam (aka Songarong) , Jakob (aka Jongakongobong) and I (Jongamongie), having fun. We always have fun together at work (apron strings, balsamic vinegar, towels, whipped cream, and spots on the wall, etc.), but this was a novelty: having fun when we are actually supposed to be.

Jakob, complaining, as usual;-)

Alison lines it up


"Did you get that gutter ball on camera?"

Jake the Fatman

Me and Jess


Jong & Jong

Susie shows em how its done

Carmen, cool and collected, throws one down the lane

Jess had the high scores of the night, and the only one of us who was able to break 100 points
A rather awkward picture of yours truly.

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