Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer days where the waving wheat can sure smell sweet and the wind comes right behind the rain

Samantha was taking some pictures of a pretty storm as we were driving home tonight. I wish we could've caught some of the lightning, but it tends to be as fast as, well, lightning as therefore hard to photograph. Got some pretty pictures anyway. Oklahoma is really not, for the most part, not known for its breathtaking views. But Oklahoma is like the woman in that country song - prettiest when she has a temper. On the dam over Shawnee Lake #2
The view 90 degrees to the north from the above picture.
I threw this picture in too. This was the other night, two days after Mary had 6 teeth extracted from her poor little mouth. She was of course as swollen as a pumpkin for a while, but she was sitting on the front porch that night sharing a bowl of green grapes with Poon, who was holding them in his cheeks like a little squirrel. I thought they were both stashing the grapes away and I was making fun of the both of them. But then I realized that Mary wasn't holding them in her cheeks at all...she was just still swollen from her surgery and so she was matching John Paul. Then I felt all open-mouth-insert-foot-like.
Letting John Paul take a self-portrait.

Shawnee Lake. (I wish a had a canoe) Every day I drive across this bridge and turn to Sam and tell her we need to make friends with the neighbor with a canoe. There are always people on it now water-skiing and fishing and speedboating and kneeboarding and tubing. Its a sight to make anyone jealous.
Okay, now that storm has followed me home and i gotta shut this puppy down before lightning fries our computer as it has done 3x.

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