Friday, May 30, 2008

My brothers in action on their Dan Archibala scooters....

Mary and Banjo....I am so proud of my sister!

My sister Mary and her 2 year old welsh pony colt, Banjo, showing off. They impress me alright. Mary has taken on the training and breaking of this colt all by herself, and she is doing an amazing job! Of course, she has been studying the art of horsemanship since she was three, but this is incredible! Bravo, Mary! Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Farewell My Dear Von Steubens. Until we meet again, eh?

Some of us went down to Damon's on the last night of finals, along with Stephen's dad and John's mom. It was nice of them to dedicate a room to us, don't you think?

Mr. Gann and Mr. Gann.
Mr. Lysaght and his mum
The green hue of this picture is great, Yvonne. It expresses the sick feeling I had when I first saw Kyle wearing the pink shirt and bowler hat. The only thing that comforts me is the fact that the only reason he wore it was to produce that sick feeling.
You guys are cute. Except that I would guess that this picture was taken in 1977 if I didn't know better.

Are you really sure, Regina, you want to be carried around campus by this unknown fella in a pink shirt?
"I can do anything better than you."
"I can sit straighter on fences than you"
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can"..
I love this candid shot!

Finally we met Regina's better half.
Although I think that is usually applied to married couples.
Tizides sisters...and a Tizides sister wanna be

A parting shot, before we disperse to the four corners of the earth. Actually, at this point the diaspora had already begun with the departure of Andrew.....ahem....cough...yeah.
Showers of Flowers....and finals are over!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Life is good. Even during finals.

Regina being helped off the wall by the man with the muscles

Look! I can almost do a Regina face!
Four escapees from an insane asylum.

"Whoa! Check out that chocolate cake!" or "Woudn't that chocolate cake look really good smashed all over his face!" ??