Sunday, April 20, 2008

DDM retreat at Sr. Mary Michael Mackie's

Daughters of Divine Mercy make history with their first retreat ever . Adoration (in the house!) singing the chaplet, reading the St. Faustina's diary, Lord's day celebration, Mass, a talk (well, on TV) by our favorite priest Fr. Don Calloway - he would have been there in person had he not been otherwise engaged at the time I am sure, and playing games. Seasoned with M&M's, silliness, and a healthy dose of Chesterton. We focused on our three charisms: REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING, TRUST, and PASSIONATE JOY. See if you can't see our charisms just streaming forth from us in these pictures!! We just can't contain them, you see!? Listening to a reading according to Chesterton. (TRUSTing that Yvonne is not really taking pictures)
Regina doing a Rosalie impression (TRUST me, it is a spittin image)
Rosalie being her (PASSIONATELY JOYFUL) self
Regina being herself (this one has all three wrapped in one!)
Oh the many faces of Regina! This one is definitely one of my favorites. Demonstrating REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING! This is surely what the souls in purgatory look like

Chesterton, our constant retreat comrade. Think: PASSIONATE JOY
Hilarity: of Ethandune, Dukes, Futurists, Cockneys and economy. TRUST me, the book is hilarious
TRUSTing that the relaxing retreat weekend will never end. Tomorrow is not really Monday with a mid term and paper due. Retreats truly are an escape from the cares of the world
Rosalie meditating. Never mind that she is meditating on an m&m. It is true, we must have done some meditation on the things, or SOMEBODY did, because by the eleventh hour the coffee table bowl had only one left! Yeah, and what happened to REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING?
Receiving a vision from above, or just spacing out? TRUST me, it is just a spacey moment.

Yes, we had good heart to heart talks and really opened up to each other, and just listened to each other and were there for each other. It was a really good bonding experience. We TRUSTed each other with our most apalling secrets!

April Birthdays: Regina (and her twin, Anna) and Nate

Boogey men
A mad hatter wishing poor Anna a blessed birthday
Pretty as a Present
Again, Poor Anna getting run through the gauntlet for her birthday
People STUDY here?
Rather wet after a long treasure hunt in the pouring rain for Nathan's birthday present: Rosalie. I seem rather incredulous that my finger is still attached, because of course, we weren't wasting our time but also playing frisbee-on-the-fly while dashing from clue to clue.
I happen to agree with Amy from Little Women: "A girl doesn't need scores of suitors - she only needs one, if he's the right one." But somehow that isn't getting through to this mob.
So they select another victim with the very decided NO! they elicited from yours truly.
So many choices!!! What a selection!!!

"Alright, stop messing around and get to the point: Where is the cake. We are serious. The cake. "

Saturday, April 5, 2008

This week in Jamie's life

Had dinner and Lord's day at Sr. Mary Michael's house.
Then we had a Divine Mercy Sunday celebration on Sunday with a pretty good turn out - contented our little DDM hearts.
Saturday night we saw Fiddler on the Roof in Pitt Theatre. It was awesome. Fiddler on the Roof already had a special place in our hearts, what with our lipsync of matchmaker, playing the soundtrack every dance party, and the fun time we had watching the movie together.
Yvonne and half of Reggie.
The backs of me and Kyle, waiting for the show to start.
Hodel and Hodel, before the show.